Thursday 12 September 2013

My Interests

To inform you all more about what this blog is about, I thought it would be helpful of me to actually declare what my interests are. After all, if you are going to read a blog called "All Things Me", the least I could do is tell you what those things will be. So here we go, I'll try to keep this as concise as possible, but will elaborate on each point so you can see how this will tie in with the blog. I know, I am being so thoughtful, I do surprise myself sometimes.

1. Me - I know this will appear very self-centred, but I don't mean it in a "I-am-the-centre-of-the-universe" kind of way. I mean it purely in a "as I am writing this blog inevitably it will be about me" way, that is all, for instance, I am Indian, female, a university student, Sikh, with a love of Disney, tea, Twitter, Instagram and lots of TV shows. So these will affect my posts.

2. Shopping - which means hauls. Quite often, I imagine, though I am trying to save for a holiday to a Jamaica, which also means shopping for bikinis!

3. Clothes - Outfits of the Day, trends, tips, alerts on new shops or lines that I love or have just discovered.

4. Make-up (Health and Beauty) - I am obsessed, in my world, you just cannot have enough. I love eyeshadows, in particular and mascara is an essential in my book. In blogland, be prepared to read about new buys, new products and palettes I adore and when I am feeling braver and have purchased a better mirror: tutorials.

5. Celebrities - They interest me. Their style, makeup, dresses and lives intrigue me to the point where I used to buy Glamour, Marie Claire and Heat all religiously and then thankfully I realised what a waste of money that was an
s stopped, unless the freebie was exceptionally good. I'll give you a heads-up on those too.

6. TV Shows - particular reality shows like Made In Chelsea and TOWIE. I'm guilty, I love them. I am addicted to Pretty Little Liars too, so I would perhaps to do blogs on individual characters and their style. Potentially.

7. Books and Films - I love to read, chick lit, fantasy, paranormal, classics, plays, thrillers, crime fiction. I love it all. So I might recommend a few books, maybe offer a few reviews. And I have a great interest in films especially the scary ones, I love watching them. And good films in general, so more recommendations, I guess. I'll give you my first one now: The Conjuring, go watch it, you'll pee yourself, it's so good. You're welcome.

8. Writing - I write constantly, because it is something I have loved doing since I first picked up a pen. Therefore some short stories may come your way if I think they are good enough.

9. Music - It's just so good, don't you think?

10. Family and Friends - they make me. They are the people who I socialise with, who I see almost every day and love with all of my heart. I miss them when they aren't around and become a ball of sunshine when they are. They are fantastic. I party with them, dance with them, eat with them, watch movies with them. All the things I love, I do with these people. And I guess the reason that I love all these things is primarily because they are with me.


And that is it. List over. Obviously, there are more interests than just these in my life, but I thought it would be neater and easier for you for me to stop at ten. I was being considerate. I will post more soon. Thank you very much for reading.

Lot of Love,

Kiran xxxxx

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