Wednesday 18 September 2013

Tips for Freshers ✌

It's that time of year again where everyone seems to be abuzz with first year jitters. It is undeniably daunting to move away from home to live with people you have never met before in your life, it is perfectly normal to be scared, maybe even petrified beforehand, but trust me when I say this: a week into university or college or that new school and you'll already have good friends. Just remember that university is not like school, you won't just see these people in classes you'll see them all the time. You'll live with them, go to their parties, have dinner with them, have kitchen dance parties, play humiliating and amusing drinking games. The first week of your freshman year will cement friendship bonds stronger than the Terminator, it forges unbreakable ties and you'll have a tonne of fun, amusing memories and anecdotes. It will be one of the best years of your life. 

I know you're scared, but admit it deep down you are excited too, after all this is a chance to reinvent yourself, to finally be the person you have always wanted to be: cool, perfect, witty, optimistic and all that jazz. Fuck that. It's not worth it, it takes far too much effort and who says there is anything wrong with you anyway? You're fabulous. Know it. I know that when I started my first year I wanted to be the total opposite of me and I arrived with my contacts in, skinny jeans and new shoes. I had a fantastic first day, even though on the ride over I kept wringing my hands with stress and had to turn up the music really loud to distract myself. Taylor Swift, very distracting. Everything turned out fine of course, but this perfect image I wanted to convey soon shattered. It's like being in the Big Brother House, it's too exhausting putting on a charade so I mean it when I say be you. It's easier and it's definitely better.

Now those two things are out the way, I thought I would knock out another list for you lovelies to help with the anxiety you must be feeling and give you a heads up about what is to come.

1. Have a current account, which basically translates into using your card in shops to buy things, it's so much easier than looking for a cash machine constantly and it is much more conducive to student life.

2. You absolutely need a valid ID, I do not care how old you look or if you don't drink or buy alcohol, if you're with a friend at the supermarket and they want a six pack of Strongbow, they won't get served unless you both have ID. And you're going to feel like a dick. Plus, you don't have to drink to go out, and yes I promise you can still have a good time.

3. It's your first day and everyone is nervous, do yourself a favour to limit the stress pick out an outfit beforehand, something you feel attractive yet comfortable in, maybe layered as you'll get hot unpacking all your things. First impressions do go a long way so just think about how you want to be perceived, don't go crazy and buy a whole new outfit and skincare regime, simply be you on a good day and not a bad day.

4. Be open to new experiences. I'm not talking about threesomes, it's just for many of you this might be your first time away from home and although sometimes that can be sad it also means a lot more freedom. You can now do some things you couldn't before, you can invite a bunch of random people over to your room to play Ring of Fire for instance, you can have chilli-eating contests at five in the monring and you can walk to Tesco to get Pringles at whatever time of night you wish, usually drunk with three of your closest flatmates. 

5. People absolutely will steal your food. So can all the whiny messages on facebook and just steal there's too, as far as you are concerned all food in the kitchen is communal. Except in people's cupboards, come on now, we're not animals.

6. Make your room your own, if you are anything like me you will miss your family way more than you imagined, so your room should be your little safe haven away from everybody else. Personalise it with photos of your family and friends from back home, have a wallplanner so you can organise deadlines and assignment and exams in between socialising and just generally having fun.

7. If you can see your family, do. I only live about an hour away so I try and go home at least once a term, to catch up with everybody and just to have a break from people. It can get claustrophobic as you will see these people so often so it is important to have a break now and then and to just get away and give yourself time to miss them instead of just missing home. Plus the food at home is so much better.

8. Don't be afraid to spend time by yourself, you shouldn't force yourself to be social, everyone needs their "me" time where they can do stuff they would never do in public. Put on a face mask and pig out in your rattiest pyjamas and about seven blankets watching your favourite shows. It will always make you feel better. 

9. Be nice, approachable and engage, the only way people can get to know you is if you participate, play whatever games that are being played, Never Have I Ever is always a good one.  

10. Easy to cook fast food is your friend, something you stick in an oven for 20 minutes and is done. That is what you want. That and friends who cook culinary masterpieces. 

That's really all I have to say for now, as I think of more things I will definitely add to the list and add some awesome pictures that illustrate my points. Just remember you will make friends, you will have a good time and you will learn a lot about yourself. Just because you have finished school it doesn't mean you have life all figured out, you're still dabbling and trying things out, maybe you'll realise uni is not for you, or your interests lie in a different course or maybe you're finding it really hard being away from home or the course may be a struggle academically. It's hard to adjust but it will happen without you noticing and if you need anything, advice or just someone to talk to feel free to contact me. I would be happy to listen and hopefully make you feel better. Have an amazing year guys, thank you for reading and see you soon. 

Lots of love,

Kiran xxxx

Thursday 12 September 2013

My Interests

To inform you all more about what this blog is about, I thought it would be helpful of me to actually declare what my interests are. After all, if you are going to read a blog called "All Things Me", the least I could do is tell you what those things will be. So here we go, I'll try to keep this as concise as possible, but will elaborate on each point so you can see how this will tie in with the blog. I know, I am being so thoughtful, I do surprise myself sometimes.

1. Me - I know this will appear very self-centred, but I don't mean it in a "I-am-the-centre-of-the-universe" kind of way. I mean it purely in a "as I am writing this blog inevitably it will be about me" way, that is all, for instance, I am Indian, female, a university student, Sikh, with a love of Disney, tea, Twitter, Instagram and lots of TV shows. So these will affect my posts.

2. Shopping - which means hauls. Quite often, I imagine, though I am trying to save for a holiday to a Jamaica, which also means shopping for bikinis!

3. Clothes - Outfits of the Day, trends, tips, alerts on new shops or lines that I love or have just discovered.

4. Make-up (Health and Beauty) - I am obsessed, in my world, you just cannot have enough. I love eyeshadows, in particular and mascara is an essential in my book. In blogland, be prepared to read about new buys, new products and palettes I adore and when I am feeling braver and have purchased a better mirror: tutorials.

5. Celebrities - They interest me. Their style, makeup, dresses and lives intrigue me to the point where I used to buy Glamour, Marie Claire and Heat all religiously and then thankfully I realised what a waste of money that was an
s stopped, unless the freebie was exceptionally good. I'll give you a heads-up on those too.

6. TV Shows - particular reality shows like Made In Chelsea and TOWIE. I'm guilty, I love them. I am addicted to Pretty Little Liars too, so I would perhaps to do blogs on individual characters and their style. Potentially.

7. Books and Films - I love to read, chick lit, fantasy, paranormal, classics, plays, thrillers, crime fiction. I love it all. So I might recommend a few books, maybe offer a few reviews. And I have a great interest in films especially the scary ones, I love watching them. And good films in general, so more recommendations, I guess. I'll give you my first one now: The Conjuring, go watch it, you'll pee yourself, it's so good. You're welcome.

8. Writing - I write constantly, because it is something I have loved doing since I first picked up a pen. Therefore some short stories may come your way if I think they are good enough.

9. Music - It's just so good, don't you think?

10. Family and Friends - they make me. They are the people who I socialise with, who I see almost every day and love with all of my heart. I miss them when they aren't around and become a ball of sunshine when they are. They are fantastic. I party with them, dance with them, eat with them, watch movies with them. All the things I love, I do with these people. And I guess the reason that I love all these things is primarily because they are with me.


And that is it. List over. Obviously, there are more interests than just these in my life, but I thought it would be neater and easier for you for me to stop at ten. I was being considerate. I will post more soon. Thank you very much for reading.

Lot of Love,

Kiran xxxxx

All Things Me and Lovely. What? Another Blog?!

I know. I know. I have a million, or used to, because I deleted them all and why I did this? I wasn't happy with a single one of them. The truth is, I love a lot of different things: clothes, make-up, books, parties, food, family, friends, life, music, writing. . . the list goes on forever. And all my blogs were dedicated to these separate things but I didn't like it, it was too much and it was utterly overwhelming. I hate letting things slip, and my interests change on a daily basis so consequently I would focus on the blog I would be most interested in at a particular time. Well, no more! I have decided to have just one blog, focusing on all my interests, so there should be a lot of variety.

I know from the title you would be thinking this is an autobiographical blog, a diary almost, well it's not. Why write about life, your life, when there are so many other fabulous things to write about. My life is far from fabulous, rarely exciting, mostly amusing and generally ordinary. Not that I am complaining, I am very lucky and quite happy with it. Your life makes you who you are and to an extent dictates your interests, my peers, my family, the books I read all contribute in some way to the things my mind spends time on.

It would be untrue of me to say that this blog won't be about my life, of course it will, it just won't be a diary. I am not a very emotional person, I have emotions. I am just not so great with sharing them with the people closest to me, for instance, I detest crying in front of people. I hate it. It's horrible, sometimes it is necessary, but all the same I sincerely dislike showing that vulnerability to others. So this blog is a way of expressing my emotions, of discussing things that have happened to me, as well as all the things I love. In short this blog will be about my interests, and occasionally my life. I would love it if you read it, and please leave me any feedback. I intend to write as much as possible, this week will be abnormally busy as I try to fit in as many posts as I can to show you more what it is about. So stay tuned, lovelies!

Love you lots and sweet dreams,

Kiran xxxx